Make sure these foods make it into your weekly menu if you want to maximize your gains.

There are hundreds of different foods that can help build muscle.But what if you had to pick only five foods that you could eat for the rest of your life? In that case, you’d want foods that could help cover many different nutritional needs so that you did not lose any precious muscle. Among those needs:
– Protein to help build and repair muscle and other tissues
– Fats to encourage proper hormones and reduce inflammation
– Phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support general health
– Overall nutrient dense calories to provide sufficient energy

When it comes to a great all-around food to build muscle, the trophy goes to salmon. It is loaded with protein and omega-3 fatty acids, two key nutrients to build and repair muscle tissue, and to keep your hunger in check. You can also cook salmon several different ways. Salmon is also rich in key nutrients, such as selenium, Vitamin D, B12, niacin and vitamin D. The list goes on with all of the health benefits associated with salmon, such as reducing cholesterol and improving memory. If you were not into fish – some people are not – you could go with grass-fed beef.

A close second to salmon, eggs are loaded with many key muscle-building nutrients. You can cook them in several ways, keeping you form getting bored of them. Eggs also contain about 7-8 grams of protein per egg, not to mention omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Studies also show that those who eat eggs for breakfast are less likely to overeat later in the day.

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Of all the nuts in creation, almonds provide the best array of nutrients. This nut is perfect for your muscles. Full of protein and fiber, almonds help you feel full while repairing worn muscles. They also contain tons of healthy fats that satisfy hunger, allay joint pain, boost cognition and provide energy.

Of all the starchy carbohydrates out there, sweet potatoes are the best option. They are easy to make and sweet to eat. Sweet potatoes are complex carbohydrates with vitamin A and vitamin B and they contain fiber and that can help an athlete on a diet feel full and satisfied. They can be utilized pre-workout, post-workout and at any other meal.

This is a go-to fruit for many reasons. They are a great post-workout food and a fantastic source of carbs, electrolytes and fiber. Their skin contains many phytonutrients that the body needs. Plus, the sweet crunch and low-calorie count make them a great craving killer, which is important for those nights when you are on the prowl for something sweet.

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