Building Muscle? – The 7 Foods You Must Never Eat!

Building Muscle? – The 7 Foods You Must Never Eat!

1. High Fat and High Carb Foods

Foods that are high in fat and carbs promote high blood pressure levels, increased fat storage, decreased carbohydrate conversion, and erratic insulin levels. So what types of foods can cause these problems? Well, for starters all fried foods, sugar glazed foods such as donuts, pasta’s covered in sauces, most restaurant foods, and nearly all fast foods.

2. Fruit Juices And Sodas

Processed fruit juice is normally only 5% real juice and 95% sugar. Since when is that much sugar a good thing? And really, did you think we were going to endorse drinking sodas? These drinks pack a ton of calories without any health benefit whatsoever. It is better to fresh squeeze your own juices and drinks, or better yet, just stick to good-old-fashioned water.

3. Candy

Yeah, let’s just jack our insulin levels up real bad. When your insulin levels spike you get hungry, and when you get hungry, you eat more calories than necessary… generally, processed foods which make you even hungrier. How about we just stay away from candy as much as possible?

4. Flavored Oatmeal

Now, this is one that is abused a lot. Everyone thinks because the word “oatmeal” is included that it is healthy… yeah right! It has so much sugar in, so there goes your insulin level yet again. It has a ton of salt which is great for your hypertension levels. Synthetic oils which are really a melted plastic… seriously, just heat up your vegetable oil and then let it cool on its own somewhere. The oil turns hard; do you really want that in your body?

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5. White Breads, Bagels And Rice Cakes

Starches can be your worst enemy, because after processing and conversion the starch becomes sugar. If you haven’t noticed, sugar is a really big problem when it comes to bodybuilding.

6. Breakfast Cereals

Alright, so now we are hitting you below the belt. Seriously, now I can’t even eat cereal. Well, think about it like this. The cereals are a form of starch and sugar. The milk has a sugar base in it, and most likely you are sticking more sugar in it. The basic premise is that if you like eating it, it isn’t healthy for you.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol has a ton of empty calories; therefore it just doesn’t benefit you at all. Secondly, if you are body building, you need as much testosterone as possible and this just suppresses your production.

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