How Lose Weight Without Losing Muscle

How Lose Weight Without Losing Muscle

How to Lose Weight (Body Fat)
To lose weight you need to create a caloric deficit by consuming fewer calories than you are burn each day. This is usually accomplished by: 1) eating less food (fewer calories), 2) burning more calories by exercising more, or 3) a combination of both

How to Maintain Muscle Mass
Your muscles actually help hold some of your body fat in place. Therefore it is natural that you will lose some muscle when you lose body fat because that muscle tissue is longer needed. But you don’t want to lose large amounts of muscle, especially from your large muscle groups. To prevent the loss of muscle mass while on a weight-loss plan

Do not cut calories drastically. Drastic and sudden drops in caloric intake will result in a higher percentage of muscle loss. (See notes for a general progression below.)
Eat to meet your protein needs. You don’t need to go above and beyond (it won’t provide additional benefit). To find out what your protein needs really are.
Perform muscle-building strength training at least two times weekly. If you’re not lifting weights, up to 30 percent of the weight you lose could be muscle tissue. .
Best Practices for Maintaining Muscle during Weight Loss
The guidelines that follow are general suggestions. You may be able to progress faster, or you may have to go somewhat slower.

Weeks 1-2: By the end of week 2 you should be eating within your new reduced calorie range most days of the week. Don’t worry yet if all the other numbers (protein, etc.) aren’t quite on target.
Week 3: Tweak your diet to meet your recommended protein, fat and carbohydrate ranges most days of the week while staying within your calorie range.
Weeks 4-8: By the end of week 8, you should be burning at least 2,000 calories each week through planned exercise.
By week 12: You should be incorporating at least 2 sessions of strength training each week for all of your major muscle groups. To maintain muscle mass, exercises should work your muscles to fatigue by the end of each set.

Related article:  10 Foods That Will Tighten Your Tummy

A combination of dietary changes, aerobic exercise and strength training—not just one or two of the three—is the most effective plan to follow to lose body fat

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