Learn 5 Tummy-Melting Foods

Learn 5 Tummy-Melting Foods

Looking to slim down and feel great before a big vacation? Need to drop a bit of bloat to fit into those summer shorts? Or perhaps you could just rock that bikini with a little more confidence if you were down a pound or two. Well we’ve got the 5 delicious and healthy summer cleansing options to help you look and feel great for that trip to the beach!

Cabbage: Because cabbage is 92 percent water, you can’t go wrong by filling up on this food! Cabbage can help deplete leftover fluids from the body and also has many essential vitamins. Just remember not to overdue it on the cabbage, as eating too much (more than a handful a day), can lead to excess gas.

Green Tea: Want to shed some extra belly fat and improve your memory? Green tea is the way to go! Not only does green tea help to detoxify the body by eliminating harmful free-radicals, it additionally boosts the metabolism, allowing your body to burn more calories naturally.

Water: Drink up ladies, because there are few things on this earth as beneficial to your body as water! Drinking water helps your body to flush out all of the toxins, stay hydrated, alleviate bloating and lose weight. Drinking water before a meal can even help to curb your appetite. Adding fruit to your water, such as lime and grapefruit, can also make for a great detox drink.

Celery: Celery is a strong and powerful blood cleanser, and is filled with important vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin K for a super fast metabolism! Detest the taste of celery solo? Try adding a touch of natural peanut butter for a flavorful snack.

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Pineapple: Not only is pineapple a sweet and yummy treat, but it’s also a detox for that body of yours! Pineapple is a mood booster as well.

So if your metabolism needs a little boost and your belly needs a bit of de-poofing, try adding these simple foods and drinks to your daily diet.

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