5 Habits of People Who Always Stay Fit

5 Habits of People Who Always Stay Fit

Don’t just work out so you can fit into a tight dress — make it a habit with these tricks.

1. Exercise even if you only have 15 minutes to do it. A short gym routine is better than nothing if you’re really strapped for time or just plain exhausted. If you don’t have time to get to your gym but have 15 minutes before you have to shower to go meet your friends for dinner, do jumping jacks to Taylor Swift or something. You’ll feel better, especially if you spent your day sitting at a computer listening to Taylor Swift and thinking about how you should really leave work in time to get to the gym. (But then, well, didn’t.)

2. Speaking of, you know that feeling of planning to work out and then notworking out? The worst. Usually, working out just to avoid the feeling of sitting around in gym clothes watching Bravo and eating snacks and never actually going for your run is worth it

3. Mix up your routine. Do yoga one day, interval training the next, and a light jog the following day. If your fitness routine doesn’t bore you, you’re more likely to stick to it. If you enjoy *~GiRlY~* workouts (Who doesn’t?), definitely hit up Beyoncé-themed spinning or barre burn. Always barre burn

4. Instead of skipping a workout, focus on how great you’ll feel after.Working out isn’t always fun while you’re doing it, but the endorphin high you get after — or the myriad other benefits, like a sound night of sleep — are.

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5. Don’t wait for an occasion to get in shape. If you only rush to the gym six weeks before you have a tight dress to wear to a party (or your wedding or somebody else’s wedding) you’ll kill yourself trying to meet unrealistic goals and feel miserable and down on yourself and be no fun at all. Then when it’s all over, of course you won’t want to go back to working out! Fitness is a lifestyle, not an exercise in vanity

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