Arnold V-Sit Targets shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abs Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, holding a dumbbell in each hand by hips, palms up. Lean back 45 degrees and lift feet (shins parallel to floor). Maintaining V-sit, curl weights to shoulders; press weights overhead, rotating arms out to[…]

The routine: Do all of the core exercises, followed by two minutes of cardio. Repeat the sequence three times; it’ll take about 21 minutes. What you’ll need: An exercise mat and a jump rope (optional). 1. Single-Leg Stretch Minute 0:00-1:00 Strengthens abdominals, stretches, hip flexors Lie faceup, knees into chest,[…]

Target Your Core, Abs, and Back Sculpting your core will give you a beach-ready body and an edge on any outdoor sport. “Ab strength supports muscles and joints when you’re golfing, swimming, or running outside,” says Cathy Sassin, adventure racer and Intrafitt exercise performance specialist. Try this quickie workout from[…]

1. Choose Variety Over Reps I try to mix up my ab-toning moves each workout, and I change my routine every three to four weeks. “Alternating your workout is more important than cranking out 100 crunches every day,” says Michele Olson, PhD, professor of exercise science at Auburn University Montgomery.[…]

Like many of us, you battle a hectic daily routine. Luckily, we’ve learned that the key to juggling a busy schedule is to maintain stable energy levels throughout your day. Snacking on nutritious food options will keep you fueled up, but, unfortunately, the most easily accessible snacks are not always[…]