What Supplements Should You Take

Supplements are, without a doubt, one of the most important aspects of a bodybuilder’s arsenal. It is perfectly fine to have an amazing workout routine, but if your diet and supplement routines fail, your results will be compromised. Often, supplements are the difference between good results, and great results. Also[…]

What Supplements Should You Take

No-Weights Workout that will make your Legs Super Strong

Do each movement for 45 seconds with no rest between movements. At the end of Set 1, rest for 1-2 minutes, then begin Set 2. Repeat the circuit 3-5 times. Set 1 Body Weight Squats (45 seconds) Reverse Lunges (45 seconds each leg) Side Squats (45 seconds) Burpee Blowout (45[…]

No-Weights Workout that will make your Legs Super Strong

How Many Reps & Sets Should You Do?

For most people, it is best to start with one set. The repetitions should be high on any exercise. That means somewhere between 20 to 30 repetitions for approximately the first two weeks. This is necessary to build muscular coordination and allow specific chemical reactions to occur in the supporting[…]

How Many Reps & Sets Should You Do?

3 Things You Should Do Before Working Out

PHASE ONE: PRE-WORKOUT MEAL 1-2 Hours Before Training 💟 1.CLEAN SOURCE OF MODERATE TO SLOW-DIGESTING CARBOHYDRATES: In order to power through your gut-wrenching, muscle-fiber-tearing workout, you need a premium source of fuel. That’s why it’s fundamentally important that you consume a slow to moderate digesting source of carbohydrates. Not only[…]

3 Things You Should Do Before Working Out

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

1. Stay Hydrated It’s a fact that if you aren’t giving it enough water to work with, your body won’t be able to effectively break down cellulite. For this reason alone, keeping yourself hydrated is rule number one when it comes to getting rid of ‘bumpy fat.’ As if that[…]

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Side Effects Of Diet Pills

Do you think you need a diet pill to lose weight? Here are reasons why the dangers of diet pills far outweigh the benefit of any potential weight loss. There is no guarantee. Dietary supplements do not require approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before being sold to[…]

Side Effects Of Diet Pills

Tips to help control your weight

Sniff a banana, apple, or peppermint. You might feel silly, but it works. When Dr Alan R. Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago tried this with 3,000 volunteers, he found that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more[…]

Tips to help control your weight

How Much Weight Should You Lift?

If you’re looking to get as strong as possible, you’ll be using a heavier weight than someone who is trying to get as big as possible. And to improve muscular endurance, you’ll use an even lighter weight. Strength training means choosing weights that allow you to train in a rep[…]

How Much Weight Should You Lift?

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

1. For starters, lemons provide your immune system with a nice boost given that they are high in vitamin C and potassium. It is believed that vitamin C helps with colds and potassium can assist in effective nerve function and blood pressure. 2. Lemons have a great deal of what[…]

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water